We manage media business in China, build foreign brands into the fabric of the Chinese media industry and drive sales. We help initiate, negotiate and implement strategic cooperation agreements with Chinese partners.

Experience shows that the Chinese market is difficult to build from abroad. Media companies encouraged by their growing business here thus face the choice of either establishing China operations or appointing a local representative.

With China’s unique political, economic, legal and cultural environments hindering or even prohibiting Western content and concepts, ceding control over your brand or content may be dangerous, while establishing the right corporate structure can be time-consuming and costly.

Many companies are not willing or ready to incur these risks in a notoriously volatile market where ROI cannot always be predicted and where maintaining even existing relationships requires hard work, patience and flexibility.

We understand this dilemma and so provide foreign clients with sensible Representation solutions to nurture the Chinese market and successfully establish their brand presence, without incurring the financial risk of establishing an office or losing oversight of the business.

Backed by full secretarial services, we build client business in China by providing you access to our unrivalled contact network. We position and establish your brand presence, design and distribute marketing collateral for targeted groups and drive sales via well-established and continuously expanding channels.

We help initiate and implement cooperation with Chinese partners and provide strategic advice, be it for a single project or a long-term investment. In every case, our objective is to build your business.
All our clients receive regularly updated CMMi analysis on relevant news and trends in the market. If and when appropriate, we will actively help you transition to the optimum China trading structure and establish dedicated operations.

From European film and TV promotion organizations organizations, TV production and distribution houses to US entertainment marketing firms, many clients continue to be represented by CMMi, while we have helped others progress to successful opening of their own China offices.

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